Ķen om bilaterala fimbria-fornix (FF) lesionering fⳤmrar rumsliga prestanda hos djur, 䲠litteraturen tvetydiga n䲠det g䬬er dess effekter p堨ippocampus l宧siktig potentiering (LTP). Vi unders봥 effekterna av FF lesionering p堌TP induktion i Schaffer s䫥rheter-CA1 v䧠in vivo med ett protokoll som parajumpers rea levererade theta skurstimuleringen (TBS) t姠att 론l䮧den tills en tillr䣫lig l䮧d n夤es f⠡tt framkalla LTP av monosynaptiska f䬴et excitatoriska postsynaptiska potentialen (fEPSP). Experiment utf⤥s i uretantyp bed桤es Long-Evans-r崴or antingen 4 eller 12 till 16 veckor efter lesionering. Bland jonkanaler, har sp䮮ingsstyrda kalciumkanaler ansetts unik i sin f⭥ga att mediera signalering h䮤elser oberoende av fl䥴 av joner genom deras porer. En sp䮮ingsk䮳liga kaliumkanalen kallas Kv2.1 har identifierats som spelar en roll anm䲫ningsv䲴 lik en jon-oberoende funktion av kalciumkanaler, vilket underl䴴ar reglerad exocytos genom en direkt interaktion med en t-SNARE [l㬩g NSF (N-etylmaleimid k䮳lig faktor) f䳴proteinreceptor] del av vesikler fris䴴ningen maskiner. Kv2.1 uttryck 롲 depolarisation-inducerad sekretion fr宠neuroendokrina liknande PC12-cellinje, och en icke-ledande Kv2.1 mutant kan 峴adkomma samma bedrift. D䲩genom 䲠det mꬩgt att minska risken f⠫ardiovaskul䲠morbiditet och mortalitet, cerebrala ischemiska h䮤elser och nefropati i synnerhet. F⠢eredning av riktlinjer f⠤iagnos parajumpers rea av BP sjukdomar och f⠩nstitutionen prim䲡 samt sekund䲡 f⥢yggande 崧䲤er, 䲠det viktigt att veta hur f⥫omsten av CHAT 䲠p堧lobal basis. Vi hittade 191 fall av CHAT bland 1602 mestadels 7-dagars / 24-h BP profiler, som erh嬬its fr宠flera centra i olika l䮤er som deltar i ett p姥ende projekt p堢iosf䲥n och Kosmos (BIOCOS). En genomg宧 av motorisk inl䲮ing studier med s䲳kild inriktning p堡tt j䭦⡠skillnader i prestanda mellan att i slutet av praxis och vid f⳥nad beh嬬a tyder p堡tt den f⳥nade bibeh嬬a eller 楲f⩮gsprestanda 䲠en b䴴re indikator p堭otorisk inl䲮ing 䮠resultatet vid (eller slutet av ) praxis. Detta ger objektiva bevis f⠬䲡nde prestanda skillnad. Denna beteende bevis i kombination med en f⳴奬se f⠤e motorminnesprocesser kodning, konsolidering och h䭴ning kan ge insikt i den f⭯dade mekanism som implementerar l䲡nde prestanda skillnad. parajumpers rea En databas med studier som unders봠effekterna av resurser p堳tory v临 m宧fald sammanst䬬des och analyserades med hj䬰 av log-linj䲡 modeller. Oavsett om resurs kvantitet eller resurs heterogenitet 䲠avg⡮de f⠳tory v临 m宧fald i enskilda studier var beroende av stativ successions scen (s), n䲶aro eller fr家aro av mellan st⮩ngar, och skogs biome inom vilken unders뮩ngarna genomf⤥s. Resurs kvantitet befanns styra artrikedomen i b夥 unga och mogna best室, medan resurs heterogenitet dominerade i old-growth st岮

Chaion Analytics

Probabilities in Statistical Mechanics


Copyright ï³°an> 2011 by Robert Finkel


Statistical Mechanics Home

ã°¡n style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>       Probabilities

ã°¡n style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>       Averaging

ã°¡n style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>       Entropy

ã°¡n style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>       Moles & Gas Constant

ã°¡n style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>       Thermodynamics

ã°¡n style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>       Partition Function

ã°¡n style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>       Gibbs Entropy



Copyright ï³°an> 2011 by Robert Finkel



Canonical Probabilities

One of the most important expressions in statistical mechanics is the canonical distribution; an expression for the probability pj that a particle or system is in an energy level Ej selected from a list of possible energies E1, E2,.. This canonical distribution is also termed the Boltzmann distribution. Here is the basic form




where k is the Boltzmann constant () and T is absolute temperature. Z is called the partition function and is evaluated as




The sum is over all the possible energies. Equation (1) is a central result in statistical mechanics and we defer a derivation of this important equation to textbooks.


ã°¡n style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>       Show that from the above equations. This is called a normalization condition.



Application: Isomers


Consider a molecule that can have two isomeric states A and B with corresponding energies . A mixture (solution) of these isomers exists in thermal equilibrium,



The fraction of molecules in state A is and the fraction in state B is so the ratio gives the relative numbers of A to B states,


Notice that the factors cancelled in the ratio.


We can often 塤ꠠa result like this without inserting a single number. The result tells us that when the energy in the B-state is higher than that of the A-state, the population of A is greater to maintain equilibrium. Furthermore, when the temperature is very high the exponent is small and the populations tend to approach each other.



ã°¡n style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>       Isomer A has energy kT and isomer B has energy 0.31kT. Calculate the probability of the molecule to be in state A. [ans. 0.33]




Gas Constant and Boltzmannïnstant



The expressions on this page use the Boltzmann constant k most often preferred by physicists while chemists and biologists most prefer using the universal gas constant R for these same expressions.

Equations (1) and (2) retain their form with k replaced by R. Then energies are energies per mole rather than energies per particle.


A simple relation between the two is found in these pages: Moles and the Gas Constant.

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